Monday, September 10, 2012

Contemporary Christian Zionism
 Christian Zionism is a broad-based movement with a number of different institutional homes.Sincerely religious and deeply political in nature, most Christian Zionist groups lobby the U.S. government to maintain and even strengthen its Israel-friendly policies. Many also feature social activism on behalf of Jews (in Israel and abroad), as well as educational outreaches to spread their message.  Some sponsor major events for interested Christians, such as an annual Feast of Tabernacles celebration in Israel that includes visits to Jewish settlements in occupied territories, worship services atop the Temple Mount, and a show of solidarity with IDF soldiers.
A profile of one of the most prominent Christian Zionist organizations is instructive.  Christians United for Israel (CUFI) was formed in 2006 and immediately became one of the main players in the Christian Zionist movement. Its founder and motivating personality is John Hagee, senior pastor at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas   Hagee began by organizing a “Night to Honor Israel,” which has since become an annual event, bringing in millions of dollars in donations.  In 2006 Hagee created CUFI, which boasts that it is “the largest Christian grassroots movement in America,” with tens of thousands of members located in all fifty states.  The organization’s first goal is “to educate and build Christian support for Israel throughout America,” which it does through e-mails, a magazine, a major website, and summits and conferences across the U.S. and in Israel.  The “education” provided by CUFI is unabashedly partisan, with the information tailored to enhance sympathy and support for Israel.  The organization’s second objective is “to communicate pro- Israel perspectives to our elected officials.” To accomplish this goal, CUFI actively lobbies in Washington and has built a “rapid response” system that can mobilize its members into sending “millions of phone calls and emails” to Congress and the White House when critical issues regarding Israel arise.

In swearing unconditional faithfulness to Israel, the broader Christian Zionist movement typically ignores, marginalizes, misrepresents, or vilifies Palestinians, Arabs, and other predominantly Muslim states, particularly Iran.  Christian Zionists generally reject a two-state solution in Palestine-Israel, because they believe the Bible gives the entire “Holy Land” (and beyond) to the Jews, therefore leaving nothing for the Palestinians.  To parcel out the land in a peace deal, they maintain, would not only violate God’s word  but would also show a lack of faith in God’s ability to deliver on His promises.Christian Zionist publications frequently dwell on attacks against Jews by Muslims, with scant mention of the numerically greater losses inflicted on Palestinians by the Israeli army.   Radical Islamic terrorism, bellicose rhetoric from Iran’s leaders, and the growing political strength—not to mention militant activities—of Hamas and Hizbullah are commonly  cited to heighten anxiety regarding the perpetual threat toward  Israel, and the necessity of Christian action to counter Muslim aggression.   In sum, the Christian Zionist message primarily takes on a positive, even exuberant, tone in its support for Israel.  The flip side is a more discreet, but no less real, blindness to the plight of the Palestinian people and prejudice against the religion and politics of the Arab-Muslim world.

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