• You will never get
second chance to make first impression
• Life is a game very hard to play, you
are going to lose it anyway .
• Money talks , I only
hear good bye !!!
• We make money the
old fashion way!!!! We earn it !!!
• In God we trust !!
others pay cash !!
• There are only two
ways to make money , steal it or marry it!!!
• In a casino , There
is only one way to win ….buy one!!!!
• Life is many things
but fair.
• You can’t be a big
fish by playing with small fish , you eat them
• Life is not always
that one like.
• "The most beautiful flowers grow
nearest the edge of the cliff." There are survival skills you should
learn, to gather them with the least risk.
• Big money is made
from small pennies.
• The only thing necessary for the
triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing"
• That rumbling you
hear is the crumbling of the country.
• Never wrestle with a pig…you both will
be dirty …but the pig likes it.!!!
• Sometimes the most important question
is the one you decided not to Ask
• Good things always
come in small packages.
• A project company starts out as a small
entity, virtually without assets. It is a company "waiting to
happen". Within a short period, and long before it is in a position to
earn revenues, it will acquire significant assets and liabilities.
• There is no shortage
of money for a feasible cash flowing business
• Being No. 1 is a
road to travel, not a point to reach”
• If you are successful, you will gain
many false friends and many true enemies.
• Give thousand chances to your enemy to
become your friend, But don't give a single chance to your friend to become
your enemy"
• Don't buy more than
what you really need.
• You are what you
• Assign the right
people to the right jobs.
• Set goals and make
sure you focus on them.
• Don't try to show
off ,just be your self and do what you enjoy doing.
• The happiest people don't necessarily
have the best of all .They simply appreciate what they find on their way.
• Sometimes things are
exactly as they appear
• Real peace is not just the absence of
conflicts .. but the presence of justice
• God created darkness
so we can see the light
• If you will try to make chicken before
it hatches.. you'll only get scrambled eggs
• Never stop your
enemy while he is making a mistake .
• Remember, there's always someone who
cares about you. In fact, if you think nobody cares if you're alive or dead,
try missing a couple of car payments.
• If you want to
G-E-T, you have to A-S-K.
• Choose your friends carefully. When you
wallow with pigs, you're going to get dirty.
• Remember that
silence is sometimes the best answer.
• Never dismiss the value of a mistake.
Make the mistakes of yesterday your lesson for today.
• If you find yourself
in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.
• Never test the depth
of the water with both feet.
• Use common sense. Never, under any
circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.
• Don't watch life from the sidelines.
Get involved and make the most of it ... starting now.
• Grow up without
growing old.
• Always remember, no
one is in charge of your happiness except you.
• Lighten up. Most of
the things you worry about aren't going to happen anyway.
• Tell the truth; then you won't have to
worry about remembering anything.
• Remember, it's
always darkest just before the dawn
• Ask no questions and
hear no lies
• A good beginning
makes a good ending
• Better to remain silent and be thought
a fool than to speak and remove all doubts
• Early to bed and
early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise
• Everybody wants to
go to heaven but nobody wants to die
• Failing to plan is
planning to fail
• Good fences make
good neighbors
• If life deals you
lemons, make lemonade
• If you can't beat
them, join them
• Into every life a
little rain must fall
• Marry in haste,
repent at leisure
• There's no fool like
an old fool
• Two wrongs don't
make a right
• A good husband is
wealthy and absent.
• Do not look where
you fell, but where you slipped.
• Experience is a comb
which nature gives to men when they are bald.
• God heals, and the
physician takes the fee.
• He that seeks
trouble never misses.
• Growing old beats
the alternative…..Dying young
• Make peace with your
past so it won't screw up the present
• What other people
think of you is none of your business
• However good or bad
a situation is…it will change
• God loves you .not because of anything
you did or didn't do but because of who God is..
• Happiness keeps you Sweet, Trials keep
you Strong, Sorrow keeps you Human, Failure keeps you humble, and Success keeps
you glowing. But only Faith & Attitude Keeps you going...
Tips from songs
• Yes, there were times, I'm sure you
know , When I bit off more than I could chew But through it all when there was
doubt , I ate it up and spit it out, The record shows I took the blows , I
faced it all and I stood tall , And did it my way
• Who would believe
that I could be happy and contented.
I used to think that happiness hadn't been invented,
• Why wait until
tomorrow ' because tomorrow Sometimes never comes
• And as I leave , I know that I am
leaving my best friend. A friend who
taught me right from wrong and weak from strong, that's a lot to learn. What
can I give you in return?
• Every moment's a day Every day seems a
lifetime , Let me show you the way To a joy beyond compare
• Now that you've seen the bad side , But
believe me, there's always the good side In a world just made for us where we
can undo all the wrong, let's start , Just a little bit of love, goes far, you'll
begin to live again
• Every day I start out, then I cry my
heart out , Knowing that it's cloudy above
, I cannot face this world that's fallen down on me
• I only live because you love me…I’ll
die the day you say good bye. I want to hear you say you love me even though
it’s a lie
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